Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Waiting for mail

Remember when you were a kid and it was always so exciting to get mail? If you were like me, you really only got it once a year, when you had your birthday. As you get older, the thrill of it kind of wears off. You start getting bills and junk. It becomes few and far between that the mail is interesting.

Lately though, mail has become fun for me again. I am almost always waiting for something to be delivered to me. Since discovering etsy and the joy of online shopping, I buy as much online as in person. Right now, I am waiting for: a ribbon order, some books, some infant hats, reusable produce bags, some gifts I ordered off etsy... That's all I can think of right now. Oh, and my husband has a computer thing coming.

So, every day, I anxiously wait for the mail man to come. Then, after going out in the morning, I run to check the mail to see if I have any new goodies. Today I was dissapointed, but the thrill remains.

Then the doorbell rang at around 4:00. A delivery person. Alas, just my husband's computer part.

Perhaps tommorow...

1 comment:

Kenzie said...

LOVE ETSY!!!! Oh and mail time is for sure the best part of the day! ;)